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Precious Metal Prices

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Glass Beads (Cleaning / Grinding Media) 50lb


Model: 24570
Shipping Weight: 54lbs
Soda Lime Glass Beads (Grinding / Cleaning Media) 50 lbs
• Cleaning of debris from vats, tubes, trays, utensils, tanks, etc.
• General cleaning of machinery, dies, plates, molds
• Removal of coatings and debris from surfaces
• Maintenance cleaning in engine rebuilding
• Cleaning of large turbines and engine castings as well as small
intricate parts.

Economical: can be recycled/reused many times
Chemically inert: no ferrous or other residues
Typical Properties
Shape: spherical
Color: clear
Hardness: (Knoop) 515
Compressive strength: 36,000 psi (avg.)
Density: 2.5 g/cc
Specific Gravity: 2.45-2.50
Free silica content: 0%
*All components are amorphous/noncrystalline

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