D-Lead Ready to Use Surface Cleaner 1 gallon Bottle

1 gallon bottle.

This low-residue, multi-purpose surface cleaner quickly lifts and suspends lead and heavy metal dust so they can be easily wiped and rinsed away. Can be used on most water washable surfaces including carpeting.

Wet surface with cleaner using sponge, cloth, mop or sprayer. Then scrub surface and dry with a clean cloth.

For maximum removal of heavy metal dust on surfaces to be painted or varnished, rinse with clean water prior to drying.

Concentrated (dilute 1 to 4.5 parts water) for use in buckets, floor scrubbers and carpet cleaners.

No added phosphates or silicates


Legend, Inc. 988 Packer Way Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: 775-786-3003
Email: ss@lmine.com